Whole Parish: Stations of the Cross: Weekly on Fridays at 12:00 PM (Chapel) and 6:00 PM (Church) through May 31st.
The 7 Last Words of Jesus: A 3-Night Parish Lenten Retreat: Join us from 6:00-8:00 PM beginning in the Church Wednesday, March 29th through Friday, March 31st. Wednesday & Thursday we will have special presentations by Fr. Christopher Zugger in conjunction with confessions. On Friday night, we will have a presentation of the Stations of the Cross by our youth followed by a Fish Fry sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Support our Community and our Youth- THIS weekend, 18th & 19th before and after Masses, Natalie, a Confirmation Disciple in Training will be collecting items for CABQ Animal Welfare and Watermelon Mountain Ranch.
Children's Choir- All children are welcome to join our new St. John XXIII Children's Choir! Join us in the Church, weekly, at 5:30 PM on Tuesdays.
Mysteries of the Rosary by Wild Goose Ministries - Tuesday mornings March 28th through May 9th- Join us Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Contact our Religious Formation Office to RSVP.
The Chosen: Season 2- Wednesday mornings March 29th through May 19th- Join us Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Contact our Religious Formation Office to RSVP
The Search - Thursday mornings, NOW through April 6th at 10:00 AM on Zoom - Come learn more about your faith and yourself! Contact our Religious Formation Office to RSVP and receive the link.
Beyond Words Book Study: The Dark Night of the Soul by Gerald May meets Fridays, at 10:00 AM via Zoom- Join us Friday mornings on Zoom. Contact our Religious Formation Office for the link and to RSVP.
Adult Confirmation- Adult Confirmation classes are offered for adults (18+) who have been baptized and received First Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church. You should be attending Mass regularly and be registered at St. John XXIII Catholic Community in Albuquerque, NM. If your reason for pursuing the Sacrament of Confirmation at this time is because you have been asked to be a baptismal godparent, that is wonderful! Please remember being a godparent comes with the responsibility to live your faith which includes, minimally, remaining a Catholic in good standing and attending Mass weekly. If this is the right path for you, please click here for more information.